Monday, November 15, 2010

After all, It's Not Easy Being the Queen

You see, my mum bought me this plaque. It had to have been ages ago, because now that I'm trying to recall the actual time frame..... I forget. The mere fact that I forget is making me realize that I have officially jumped off the deep end, and dove straight into the deep dark pool of adulthood. Yes, that's right. I am now an official adult - old enough to say such horrid things as "Twenty years ago..." , "Well, when I was a kid...".

I don't what I thought as a child - I figured that these utterings would forever be reserved for the old people. And god damn it - I think I've become one. I know, I know... To all the old peeps out there who might happen upon this thingofamajig that I'm writing, I fully realize that being the ripe old age of 26 doesn't actually qualify me as an old person (I can just imagine my grandparents - either set, take your pick - staring at me and demanding "what the hell is a blog?!") I have also realized that mouths get filthier with age, which is why I apologize in advance for any offense you might take to my truck driver mouth. Sorry......

Oh, who the hell am I kidding. I have a truck driver mouth and I embrace it. I'm actually not sorry at all. wink;)

Back to my original thought (yes, I did have one). I had this fantastic blog name - I was already imagining how nifty and creative people would say I was, envisioning the compliments being thrown my way. I was so excited! I entered in the name, and you can imagine my horror when the little red print showed up "name already taken". I instantly deflated. Even the stuffed animals on my bed looked like they felt bad for me.  So I pouted a little bit and felt bad for myself for a minute. Then thought. And thought. And thought....

So I've been throwing this blog thing around for awhile. You know, not that I don't have enough on my plate.  Not only do I work a faboosh full time job, I spend my nights drinking coffee and trying extra hard to become a lawyer. I have also recently decided that attending night school has turned my exercise and eating habits into shit, and I have become a real life fattyboombalatty (as my grammy says - don't tell her I told you). So today, Monday November 15th - with three weeks until final exams implode upon my life, I have decided to not only pick the ol' exercise thing back up,but I've also decided to write my own fancy shmancy blog. And as I sit here on my fluffy bed and try oh so desperately to figure out the ever perfect blog name, it all becomes clear.....

Because after all,

It's Not Easy Being the Queen.

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