Monday, November 22, 2010

This Thing Called Life..

I had the best start to the morning. My day started off just like any other - with Teddy Pendergrass singing "Wake up Everybody" in my ear. Somehow his voice wills me to wake up. I mean, he does tell me that there is no more sleeping in bed allowed. So I'm now showered, dressed, etc etc. And then I'm off to work with Driver Lloyd, with a quick stop at my favorite winter time coffee shop (Yes, I also have a favorite summer time coffee shop).

It was here that my day brightened up even more. While I do have to give credit to the shop everyday for making me happy - with their delish Vanilla Hazelnut, mmmm mmmmm - this morning it was something other than just coffee. I ran into an old friend, actually my old neighbor. We lived just a few houses down from the coffee shop, and our friend Sam lived right next door. Sam loved us kids growing up, and always checked in to see how we were doing. When we were small, he would leave us fun presents and treats and there was always a Christmas card.  It's been quite some time since we moved from that house, and I don't run into Sam all that often anymore.

So it was a great surprise when I glanced over and saw Sam, waiting for his morning coffee and paper. We had a great chat - he asked all about how I was, how my family was. He asked that scary question, "How old are you know?" -26. He couldn't believe it! I think I was 3 when I moved in next door. I filled him in on how I'm back around town, working, and even going to law school at night. He was super excited for me. Unfortunately, I had to get to work and cut our chat short.

The smallest things can turn a day around, make your morning better, or even change the course of your week. Be kind to your elders, always hold the door for people, and say please and thank you.
We each only have one life - so take advantage of its perks.

After All,

Life is Too Short

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