Thursday, November 18, 2010

Throwback Thursday

So I've heard through the grapevine that there has been a reappearance of the Jordan Marsh Muffins. I shuffled into work this morning with my super large coffee, plopped down at my desk, and listened intently to the excitement I heard all around me. I couldn't believe my ears. Now, although I am not of the age to have ever personally enjoyed these Jordan Marsh Muffins, I have heard lots of reminiscing about them over the years. Particularly from my Grammy. I think this might warrant a field trip this weekend. Big things these days for me!

Speaking of throwbacks - I had a special surprise waiting for me last night. Now, to preface this story - I have been very, very good all week long at my new found exercise routine and maintaining good eating habits. I even ate a clementine yesterday. A CLEMENTINE. Yes, you heard right. I had a fabulously healthy day at work, followed by some light snacking at class, and came home feeling fresh and upbeat. (The B+ on my paper might have helped -- toot tooting my own horn). Suffice it to say, I had a great day. Do you want to know what I came home to?

I opened the freezer. And there it was. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. The light coming from the freezing was like the heavens shining down on me. Damn it. I had worked so hard all week. But I knew it was inevitable - I couldn't control myself. I had to have it. I will say, I gave it the ol' college try-- I went in my room, tried to ready myself for bed. But the thought of that delicious chocolate ice cream - now, not just any ice cream, but Brighams Ice Cream - kept wafting into my brain. Doc Lloyd certainly knows how to pick em. Brigham's is like amazing, vintage ice cream - you can hardly find it anywhere anymore, so when you do - it would practically be a sacrilege to pass it up.

So i ate it. Shoot me.

After All,

Isn't There Always Tomorrow?

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